[[development/design]] *Class relations [#g3f65c7b] -For extended relations, please look at a [[Class figure>development/design/classFigure]] -For details, please look at [[JavaDoc:http://www.siprop.org/ja/2.0/javadoc/SIProp-2.0]] *Starting & initialization part [#ka83b232] ***B2BUAMain class [#k23102bb] -This is a class with the main method for starting. --This processes instance-ization of Provider. ***Provider interface [#q2a56fab] -This carries out all the initializes. ***Repository interface [#z963c98c] -This is initialized in every layer (Manager interface). *Message part [#m0614606] ***Message interface [#uca54d3a] -This is a super class of all the messages. ***Context interface [#kd93cb21] - -This is a message holding the information over between layers. --Information until it receives from Opposite UA and is transmitted to Opposite UA. ***Packet interface [#m31a8a38] - -This is a message holding the information used only within a layer. --Information until it receives from Router and is transmitted to Router. ***FlatMessage interface [#v243ee95] - -This is a message showing the normalized message. ***Info interface [#w153c116] - -This is the message which extracted only required information from the FlatMessage interface. ***ControlMessage interface [#a2d9590a] - -This is a message how it should operate to a layer, and for directing. *Router part [#ged73cdd] ***Router interface [#a39c5af3] - -This carries out routing processing of a message. ***RouterInfo interface [#k621d13c] - -This holds routing information. ***Listener interface [#ne8f2658] - -This is an interface showing the entry point of the routing point. ***RouteKey interface [#g17c5784] - -This is an interface holding the routing information which a Router interface uses. ***SendToKey class [#caa78378] - -This is a class holding src and dst between layers. *B2BUA Layer [#o8f86176] ***B2BUAManager interface [#d56b98c4] -This is an interface used as the entry point of the Router interface for B2BUA layer. ***B2BUAModule interface [#qba96421] - -This is an interface for defining B2BUA sequence. ***B2BUAContext interface [#fa4e63f9] - -This is an interface for holding required dialog information. ***B2BUAInfo interface [#x173c9ee] - -This is a ControlMessage unit and is an interface for holding information. *UA Layer [#n2dd55d7] ***UAManager interface [#r343bd8f] - -This is an interface used as the entry point of the Router interface for UA layer. ***UACommand interface [#e2f27f3e] - -This is an interface which defines and processes operation of a message. ***UAContext interface [#p0d648d2] - -This is an interface for holding required dialog information. ***UAInfo interface [#xab893d2] - -This is a ControlMessage unit and is an interface for holding information. *Stack Layer [#c80acbdc] ***StackManager interface [#sc66c302] - -This is an interface used as the entry point of the Router interface for Stack layer. ***TransactionUser interface [#kfa60c07] - -This is an interface showing TU of SIP. ***TransactionController interface [#d8c977b4] - -This is an interface which exists for forking. ***TransactionEntry interface [#yc3b1c9a] - -This is an interface for describing concrete transaction processing. ***TransactionInfo interface [#r5dc2245] - -This is an interface for holding information required of TransactionEntry. *Transport Layer [#f7110add] -This is MINA base class. ***TransportManager interface [#t6009544] - -This is an interface used as the entry point of the Router interface for Transport layer.