パッケージ gov.nist.core

Match Match template for pattern matching.
PackageNames Names for the packages that are referenced herein.
Separators Separators.

Debug A class to do debug printfs
GenericObject The base class from which all the other classes in the sipheader, sdpfields and sipmessage packages are extended.
GenericObjectList Implements a homogenous consistent linked list.
Host Stores hostname.
HostNameParser Parser for host names.
HostPort Holds the hostname:port.
InternalErrorHandler Handle Internal error failures and print a stack trace (for debugging).
LexerCore A lexical analyzer that is used by all parsers in our implementation.
LogWriter Log System Errors.
NameValue Generic structure for storing name-value pairs.
NameValueList Implements a simple NameValue association with a quick lookup function (via a hash table) this class is not thread safe because it uses HashTables.
ParserCore Generic parser class.
StringTokenizer Base string token splitter.
Token Base token class.