クラスの概要 |
AttributeField |
Attribute Field. |
BandwidthField |
Bandwidth field of a SDP header. |
ConnectionAddress |
Connection Address of the SDP header (appears as part of the Connection field) |
ConnectionField |
Connectin Field of the SDP request. |
Email |
Email address record. |
EmailAddress |
email address field of the SDP header. |
EmailField |
email field in the SDP announce. |
InformationField |
Information field implementation |
KeyField |
Key field part of an SDP header. |
MediaField |
Media field SDP header. |
OriginField |
Origin Field SDP header |
PhoneField |
Phone Field SDP header |
ProtoVersionField |
Proto version field of SDP announce. |
RepeatField |
Repeat SDP Field (part of the time field). |
SDPField |
Placeholder root class for SDP headers. |
SDPFieldList |
A list of SDP Fields. |
SDPFormat |
Media Description SDP header |
SDPObject |
Root class for everything in this package. |
SDPObjectList |
SessionNameField |
TimeField |
Time Field. |
TypedTime |
URIField |
Implementation of URI field. |
ZoneAdjustment |
Zone adjustment class. |
ZoneField |
Z= SDP field. |