gov.nist.javax.sip.address.NetObject の使用

NetObject を使用しているパッケージ

gov.nist.javax.sip.address での NetObject の使用

gov.nist.javax.sip.address での NetObject のサブクラス
 class AddressImpl
          Address structure.
 class Authority
          Authority part of a URI structure.
 class GenericURI
          Implementation of the URI class.
 class SipUri
          The SipUri structure.
 class TelephoneNumber
          Telephone number class.
 class TelURLImpl
          Implementation of the TelURL interface.
 class UserInfo
          User information part of a URL.

NetObject 型のパラメータを持つ gov.nist.javax.sip.address のメソッド
 void NetObjectList.add(NetObject obj)
          Add a new object to the list.