gov.nist.javax.sip.header.SIPHeaderList の使用

SIPHeaderList を使用しているパッケージ

gov.nist.javax.sip.header での SIPHeaderList の使用

gov.nist.javax.sip.header での SIPHeaderList のサブクラス
 class AcceptEncodingList
          AcceptEncodingList of AccepEncoding headers.
 class AcceptLanguageList
          AcceptLanguageList: Strings together a list of AcceptLanguage SIPHeaders.
 class AcceptList
          Accept List of SIP headers.
 class AlertInfoList
          AlertInfo SIPHeader - there can be several AlertInfo headers.
 class AllowEventsList
          List of AllowEvents headers.
 class AllowList
          List of ALLOW headers.
 class AuthenticationInfoList
          A list of AuthenticationInfo headers (there can be multiple in a message).
 class AuthorizationList
          WWWAuthenticate SIPHeader (of which there can be several?)
 class CallInfoList
          A list of CallInfo headers (there can be multiple in a message).
 class ContactList
          List of contact headers.ContactLists are also maintained in a hashtable for quick lookup.
 class ContentEncodingList
          Content Encoding SIP header List.
 class ContentLanguageList
          ContentLanguage list of headers.
 class ErrorInfoList
          Error Info sip header.
 class ExtensionHeaderList
          A generic extension header list.
 class InReplyToList
          In-Reply-To SIP header.
 class ProxyAuthenticateList
          List of ProxyAuthenticate headers.
 class ProxyRequireList
          Proxy Require SIPSIPObject (list of option tags)
 class ReasonList
          List of Reason headers.
 class RecordRouteList
          RecordRoute List of SIP headers (a collection of Addresses)
 class RequireList
          List of Require headers.
 class RouteList
          A list of Route Headers.
 class SupportedList
          A list of supported headers.
 class UnsupportedList
          List of Unsupported headers.
 class ViaList
          Keeps a list and a hashtable of via header functions.
 class WarningList
          A Warning SIPObject.
 class WWWAuthenticateList
          WWWAuthenticate SIPHeader (of which there can be several?)

SIPHeaderList 型のパラメータを持つ gov.nist.javax.sip.header のメソッド
 void SIPHeaderList.concatenate(SIPHeaderList other)
          Concatenate two compatible lists.
 void SIPHeaderList.concatenate(SIPHeaderList other, boolean top)
          Concatenate two compatible lists.

gov.nist.javax.sip.message での SIPHeaderList の使用

SIPHeaderList 型のパラメータを持つ gov.nist.javax.sip.message のメソッド
 void SIPMessage.setHeader(SIPHeaderList sipHeaderList)
          Set the header given a list of headers.