gov.nist.javax.sip.header.SIPHeaderNames の使用

SIPHeaderNames を使用しているパッケージ

gov.nist.javax.sip での SIPHeaderNames の使用

gov.nist.javax.sip での SIPHeaderNames のサブインタフェース
 interface SIPConstants
          Default constants for SIP.

gov.nist.javax.sip.header での SIPHeaderNames の使用

SIPHeaderNames を実装している gov.nist.javax.sip.header のクラス
 class Accept
          Accept header : The top level header is actually AcceptList which is a list of Accept headers.
 class AcceptEncoding
          Accept-Encoding SIP (HTTP) Header.
 class AcceptEncodingList
          AcceptEncodingList of AccepEncoding headers.
 class AcceptLanguage
          Accept Language body.
 class AcceptLanguageList
          AcceptLanguageList: Strings together a list of AcceptLanguage SIPHeaders.
 class AcceptList
          Accept List of SIP headers.
 class AddressParametersHeader
          An abstract class for headers that take an address and parameters.
 class AlertInfo
          AlertInfo SIP Header.
 class AlertInfoList
          AlertInfo SIPHeader - there can be several AlertInfo headers.
 class Allow
          Allow SIPHeader.
 class AllowEvents
          AllowEvents SIPHeader.
 class AllowEventsList
          List of AllowEvents headers.
 class AllowList
          List of ALLOW headers.
 class AuthenticationHeader
          The generic AuthenticationHeader
 class AuthenticationInfo
          Authentication info SIP Header.
 class AuthenticationInfoList
          A list of AuthenticationInfo headers (there can be multiple in a message).
 class Authorization
          Authorization SIP header.
 class AuthorizationList
          WWWAuthenticate SIPHeader (of which there can be several?)
 class CallID
          Call ID SIPHeader.
 class CallInfo
          CallInfo SIPHeader.
 class CallInfoList
          A list of CallInfo headers (there can be multiple in a message).
 class Contact
          Contact Item.
 class ContactList
          List of contact headers.ContactLists are also maintained in a hashtable for quick lookup.
 class ContentDisposition
          Content Dispositon SIP Header.
 class ContentEncoding
          Content encoding part of a content encoding header list.
 class ContentEncodingList
          Content Encoding SIP header List.
 class ContentLanguage
          ContentLanguage header Fielding, et al.
 class ContentLanguageList
          ContentLanguage list of headers.
 class ContentLength
          ContentLength SIPHeader (of which there can be only one in a SIPMessage).
 class ContentType
          ContentType SIP Header 14.17 Content-Type The Content-Type entity-header field indicates the media type of the entity-body sent to the recipient or, in the case of the HEAD method, the media type that would have been sent had the request been a GET.
 class CSeq
          CSeq SIP Header.
 class ErrorInfo
          ErrorInfo SIP Header.
 class ErrorInfoList
          Error Info sip header.
 class Event
          Event SIP Header.
 class Expires
          Expires SIP Header.
 class ExtensionHeaderImpl
          A generic extension header for the stack.
 class ExtensionHeaderList
          A generic extension header list.
 class From
          From SIP Header.
 class InReplyTo
          InReplyTo SIP Header.
 class InReplyToList
          In-Reply-To SIP header.
 class MaxForwards
          MaxForwards SIPHeader
 class MimeVersion
          MimeVersion SIP Header.
 class MinExpires
          MinExpires SIP Header.
 class NameMap
          A mapping class that returns the SIPHeader for a given header name.
 class Organization
          Organization SIP Header.
 class ParametersHeader
          Parameters header.
 class Priority
          the Priority header.
 class ProxyAuthenticate
          Proxy Authenticate SIP (HTTP ) header.
 class ProxyAuthenticateList
          List of ProxyAuthenticate headers.
 class ProxyAuthorization
          ProxyAuthorization Header.
 class ProxyRequire
          ProxyRequire Header.
 class ProxyRequireList
          Proxy Require SIPSIPObject (list of option tags)
 class RAck
          RAck SIP Header implementation
 class Reason
          Definition of the Reason SIP Header.
 class ReasonList
          List of Reason headers.
 class RecordRoute
          The Request-Route header is added to a request by any proxy that insists on being in the path of subsequent requests for the same call leg.
 class RecordRouteList
          RecordRoute List of SIP headers (a collection of Addresses)
 class ReferTo
          ReferTo SIP Header.
 class ReplyTo
          ReplyTo Header.
 class Require
          Require SIP Header.
 class RequireList
          List of Require headers.
 class RetryAfter
          Retry-After SIP Header.
 class Route
          Route SIPHeader Object
 class RouteList
          A list of Route Headers.
 class RSeq
 class Server
          Supported SIP Header.
 class SIPDateHeader
          Date Header.
 class SIPHeader
          Root class from which all SIPHeader objects are subclassed.
 class SIPHeaderList
          This is the root class for all lists of SIP headers.
 class Subject
          Supported SIP Header.
 class SubscriptionState
          SubscriptionState header
 class Supported
          Supported SIP Header.
 class SupportedList
          A list of supported headers.
 class TimeStamp
          TimeStamp SIP Header.
 class To
          To SIP Header.
 class Unsupported
          the Unsupported header.
 class UnsupportedList
          List of Unsupported headers.
 class UserAgent
          the UserAgent SIPObject.
 class Via
          Via SIPHeader (these are strung together in a ViaList).
 class ViaList
          Keeps a list and a hashtable of via header functions.
 class Warning
          the WarningValue SIPObject.
 class WarningList
          A Warning SIPObject.
 class WWWAuthenticate
          The WWWAuthenticate SIP header.
 class WWWAuthenticateList
          WWWAuthenticate SIPHeader (of which there can be several?)