gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.ParametersParser の使用

ParametersParser を使用しているパッケージ

gov.nist.javax.sip.parser での ParametersParser の使用

gov.nist.javax.sip.parser での ParametersParser のサブクラス
 class AcceptParser
          Parser for Accept header.
 class AlertInfoParser
          Parser for AlertInfo header.
 class AuthenticationInfoParser
          Parser for Authentication-Info header.
 class CallInfoParser
          Parser for CallInfo header.
 class ContactParser
          A parser for The SIP contact header.
 class ContentDispositionParser
          Parser for ContentLanguage header.
 class ContentTypeParser
          Parser for content type header.
 class ErrorInfoParser
          Parser for ErrorInfo header.
 class EventParser
          Parser for Event header.
 class FromParser
          From header parser.
 class ReasonParser
          Parser for Reason header.
 class RecordRouteParser
          Parser for a list of route headers.
 class ReferToParser
          To Header parser.
 class ReplyToParser
          Parser for a list of RelpyTo headers.
 class RouteParser
          Parser for a list of route headers.
 class ToParser
          To Header parser.