gov.nist.javax.sip.parser.Parser の使用

Parser を使用しているパッケージ

gov.nist.javax.sip.parser での Parser の使用

gov.nist.javax.sip.parser での Parser のサブクラス
 class AcceptEncodingParser
          Accept-Encoding SIP (HTTP) Header parser.
 class AcceptLanguageParser
          Parser for Accept Language Headers.
 class AcceptParser
          Parser for Accept header.
 class AddressParser
          Parser for addresses.
 class AlertInfoParser
          Parser for AlertInfo header.
 class AllowEventsParser
          Parser for AllowEvents header.
 class AllowParser
          Parser for Allow header.
 class AuthenticationInfoParser
          Parser for Authentication-Info header.
 class AuthorizationParser
          Parser for authorization headers.
 class CallIDParser
          Parser for CALL ID header.
 class CallInfoParser
          Parser for CallInfo header.
 class ChallengeParser
          Parser for the challenge portion of the authentication header.
 class ContactParser
          A parser for The SIP contact header.
 class ContentDispositionParser
          Parser for ContentLanguage header.
 class ContentEncodingParser
          Parser for ContentLanguage header.
 class ContentLanguageParser
          Parser for ContentLanguage header.
 class ContentLengthParser
          Parser for Content-Length Header.
 class ContentTypeParser
          Parser for content type header.
 class CSeqParser
          Parser for CSeq headers.
 class DateParser
          Parser for SIP Date field.
 class ErrorInfoParser
          Parser for ErrorInfo header.
 class EventParser
          Parser for Event header.
 class ExpiresParser
          Parser for SIP Expires Parser.
 class FromParser
          From header parser.
 class HeaderParser
          Generic header parser class.
 class InReplyToParser
          Parser for InReplyTo header.
 class MaxForwardsParser
          Parser for Max Forwards Header.
 class MimeVersionParser
          Parser for MimeVersion header.
 class MinExpiresParser
          Parser for MinExpires header.
 class OrganizationParser
          Parser for Organization header.
 class ParametersParser
          parameters parser header.
 class PriorityParser
          Parser for Priority header.
 class ProxyAuthenticateParser
          Parser for ProxyAuthenticate headers.
 class ProxyAuthorizationParser
          Parser for ProxyAuthorization headers.
 class ProxyRequireParser
          Parser for ProxyRequire header.
 class RAckParser
          Parser for RAck header.
 class ReasonParser
          Parser for Reason header.
 class RecordRouteParser
          Parser for a list of route headers.
 class ReferToParser
          To Header parser.
 class ReplyToParser
          Parser for a list of RelpyTo headers.
 class RequireParser
          Parser for Require header.
 class RetryAfterParser
          Parser for RetryAfter header.
 class RouteParser
          Parser for a list of route headers.
 class RSeqParser
          Parser for RSeq header.
 class ServerParser
          Parser for Server header.
 class StatusLineParser
          Parser for the SIP status line.
 class SubjectParser
          Parser for Subject header.
 class SubscriptionStateParser
          Parser for SubscriptionState header.
 class SupportedParser
          Parser for Supported header.
 class TimeStampParser
          Parser for TimeStamp header.
 class ToParser
          To Header parser.
 class UnsupportedParser
          Parser for Unsupported header.
 class URLParser
          Parser For SIP and Tel URLs.
 class UserAgentParser
          Parser for UserAgent header.
 class ViaParser
          Parser for via headers.
 class WarningParser
          Parser for Warning header.
 class WWWAuthenticateParser
          Parser for WWW authenitcate header.