パッケージ gov.nist.javax.sip.stack

ServerRequestInterface An interface for a genereic message processor for SIP Request messages.
ServerResponseInterface An interface for a genereic message processor for SIP Response messages.
SIPTransactionEventListener Interface implemented by classes that want to be notified of asynchronous transacion events.
StackMessageFactory An interface for generating new requests and responses.

DefaultRouter This is the default router.
HopImpl Routing algorithms return a list of hops to which the request is routed.
MessageChannel Message channel abstraction for the SIP stack.
MessageProcessor This is the Stack abstraction for the active object that waits for messages to appear on the wire and processes these messages by calling the MessageFactory interface to create a ServerRequest or ServerResponse object.
ServerLog Log file wrapper class.
SIPClientTransaction Represents a client transaction.
SIPDialog Tracks dialogs.
SIPMessageStack This class defines a SIP Stack.
SIPServerTransaction Represents a server transaction.
SIPTransaction Abstract class to support both client and server transactions.
SIPTransactionErrorEvent An event that indicates that a transaction has encountered an error.
SIPTransactionStack Adds a transaction layer to the SIPMessageStackclass.
TCPMessageChannel This is stack for TCP connections.
TCPMessageProcessor Sit in a loop waiting for incoming tcp connections and start a new thread to handle each new connection.
UDPMessageChannel This is the UDP Message handler that gets created when a UDP message needs to be processed.
UDPMessageProcessor Sit in a loop and handle incoming udp datagram messages.