gov.nist.javax.sdp.fields.SDPFieldNames の使用

SDPFieldNames を使用しているパッケージ

gov.nist.javax.sdp.fields での SDPFieldNames の使用

SDPFieldNames を実装している gov.nist.javax.sdp.fields のクラス
 class AttributeField
          Attribute Field.
 class BandwidthField
          Bandwidth field of a SDP header.
 class ConnectionAddress
          Connection Address of the SDP header (appears as part of the Connection field)
 class ConnectionField
          Connectin Field of the SDP request.
 class Email
          Email address record.
 class EmailAddress
          email address field of the SDP header.
 class EmailField
          email field in the SDP announce.
 class InformationField
          Information field implementation
 class KeyField
          Key field part of an SDP header.
 class MediaField
          Media field SDP header.
 class OriginField
          Origin Field SDP header
 class PhoneField
          Phone Field SDP header
 class ProtoVersionField
          Proto version field of SDP announce.
 class RepeatField
          Repeat SDP Field (part of the time field).
 class SDPField
          Placeholder root class for SDP headers.
 class SDPFieldList
          A list of SDP Fields.
 class SDPFormat
          Media Description SDP header
 class SDPObject
          Root class for everything in this package.
 class SessionNameField
 class TimeField
          Time Field.
 class TypedTime
 class URIField
          Implementation of URI field.
 class ZoneAdjustment
          Zone adjustment class.
 class ZoneField
          Z= SDP field.