前のクラス 次のクラス | フレームあり フレームなし | |||||||||
概要: 入れ子 | フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド | 詳細: フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド |
public abstract class SIPObject
Root class for all singleton objects in this package: specializes the gov.nist.sip.header.GenericObject class for SIPHeader related objects.
メソッドの概要 | |
java.lang.Object |
Generic clone method. |
void |
Debug function |
java.lang.String |
An introspection based string formatting method. |
java.lang.String |
debugDump(int indent)
Formatter with a given starting indentation (for nested structs). |
abstract java.lang.String |
Encode the header into a String. |
boolean |
equals(java.lang.Object other)
An introspection based equality predicate for SIPObjects. |
boolean |
match(java.lang.Object other)
An introspection based predicate matching using a template object. |
void |
merge(java.lang.Object mergeObject)
Recursively override the fields of this object with the fields of a new object. |
void |
replace(Match regexp,
GenericObject replacement)
Do a find and replace of objects based on regular expression matching of fields. |
void |
replace(Match regexp,
GenericObjectList replacement)
Do a recursive find and replace of objects pointed to by this object based on regular expression pattern matching. |
void |
replace(java.lang.String objectText,
GenericObject replacement,
boolean matchSubstring)
Do a recursive find and replace of objects pointed to by this object. |
void |
replace(java.lang.String objectText,
GenericObjectList replacement,
boolean matchSubstring)
Do a find and replace of objects. |
java.lang.String |
クラス gov.nist.core.GenericObject から継承されたメソッド |
getClassFromName, getMatcher, isMySubclass, setMatcher |
クラス java.lang.Object から継承されたメソッド |
getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
メソッドの詳細 |
public java.lang.Object clone()
内の clone
public void merge(java.lang.Object mergeObject)
内の merge
- is the replacement object. The override
obect must be of the same class as this object.
Set any fields that you do not want to override as null in the
mergeOject object.public void dbgPrint()
public abstract java.lang.String encode()
内の encode
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
内の equals
- the other object to test against.
public boolean match(java.lang.Object other)
内の match
- the match pattern to test against. The match object
has to be of the same type (class). Primitive types
and non-sip fields that are non null are matched for equality.
Null in any field matches anything. Some book-keeping fields
are ignored when making the comparison.public java.lang.String debugDump()
内の debugDump
public java.lang.String debugDump(int indent)
内の debugDump
- int to set
public void replace(java.lang.String objectText, GenericObject replacement, boolean matchSubstring) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
内の replace
- is the canonical string representation of
the object that we want to replace.replacement
- is the object that we want to replace it
- a boolean which tells if we should match
a substring of the target object
A replacement will occur if a portion of the structure is found
with matching encoded text as objectText and with the same class
as replacement.
(i.e. if matchSubstring is true an object is a candidate for
replacement if objectText is a substring of
candidate.encode() && candidate.class.equals(replacement.class)
otherwise the match test is an equality test.)
- on null args and
if replacementObject does not derive from GenericObject or
GenericObjectListpublic void replace(java.lang.String objectText, GenericObjectList replacement, boolean matchSubstring) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
内の replace
- Canonical string representation of the
portion we want to replace.replacement
- object we want to replace this portion with.
A replacement will occur if a portion of the structure is found
with the matching encoded text as objectText and with the same class
as the replacement.matchSubstring
- is true if we want to match the encoded
text of a candidate object as a substring of the encoded
target text. ( match occurs is objectText is a substring of
the encoded text of an object with the same class as replacement.)
- on null args and if
does not derive from GenericObject or GenericObjectListpublic void replace(Match regexp, GenericObjectList replacement) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
内の replace
- regular expression for the object we want to find.
This is generated using a regular expression matching package
such as the apache regexp package.replacement
- object we want to replace this portion with.
A replacement will occur if a portion of the structure is found
with a match of the encoded text
with objectText and with the same class as replacement.
public void replace(Match regexp, GenericObject replacement) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
内の replace
- is the match expression (i.e. implementation of
the Match interface) for
the object that we want to replace.replacement
- is the object that we want to replace it
A replacement will occur if a portion of the structure is found
that matches according to the given regexp and if the class of
the replaced field matches the replacement.
public java.lang.String toString()
内の toString
前のクラス 次のクラス | フレームあり フレームなし | |||||||||
概要: 入れ子 | フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド | 詳細: フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド |