前のクラス 次のクラス | フレームあり フレームなし | |||||||||
概要: 入れ子 | フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド | 詳細: フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド |
public class SIPObjectList
Root class for all the collection objects in this list: a wrapper class on the GenericObjectList class for lists of objects that can appear in SIPObjects. IMPORTANT NOTE: SIPObjectList cannot derive from SIPObject.
コンストラクタの概要 | |
Construct an empty SIPObjectList. |
SIPObjectList(java.lang.String lname)
Construct a SIPObject List given a list name. |
SIPObjectList(java.lang.String lname,
java.lang.Class cname)
Construct a SIPObject List given a list name and a class for the objects that go into the list. |
SIPObjectList(java.lang.String lname,
java.lang.String cname)
Construct a SIPObject List given a list name and a class for the objects that go into the list. |
メソッドの概要 | |
void |
add(SIPObject obj)
Add a new object to the list. |
void |
addFirst(SIPObject obj)
Add a new object to the top of this list. |
java.lang.Object |
Make a clone of this header list and return it. |
void |
concatenate(SIPObjectList otherList)
Append a given list to the end of this list. |
void |
concatenate(SIPObjectList otherList,
boolean topFlag)
Append or prepend a given list to this list. |
java.lang.String |
debugDump(int indent)
Convert to a string given an indentation(for pretty printing). |
GenericObject |
Get the first object of this list. |
java.lang.Class |
Get the class of the supported objects of this list. |
void |
mergeObjects(GenericObjectList mergeList)
Do a merge of the GenericObjects contained in this list with the GenericObjects in the mergeList. |
GenericObject |
Get the next object of this list (assumes that first() has been called prior to calling this method.) |
GenericObject |
next(java.util.ListIterator li)
Get the next object of this list. |
java.lang.Object |
Remove the first object of this list. |
java.lang.Object |
Remove the last object from this list. |
void |
replace(java.lang.String objectText,
GenericObject replacementObject,
boolean matchSubstring)
Do a recursive find and replace of objects pointed to by this object. |
void |
replace(java.lang.String objectText,
GenericObjectList replacementObject,
boolean matchSubstring)
Do a recursive find and replace of objects pointed to by this object. |
void |
setMyClass(java.lang.Class cl)
Set the class of the supported objects of this list. |
クラス gov.nist.core.GenericObjectList から継承されたメソッド |
add, addFirst, debugDump, encode, equals, getIterator, isMySubclass, match, replace, replace, setSeparator, toString |
クラス java.util.LinkedList から継承されたメソッド |
add, addAll, addAll, addLast, clear, contains, element, get, getFirst, getLast, indexOf, lastIndexOf, listIterator, offer, peek, poll, remove, remove, remove, set, size, toArray, toArray |
クラス java.util.AbstractSequentialList から継承されたメソッド |
iterator |
クラス java.util.AbstractList から継承されたメソッド |
hashCode, listIterator, subList |
クラス java.util.AbstractCollection から継承されたメソッド |
containsAll, isEmpty, removeAll, retainAll |
クラス java.lang.Object から継承されたメソッド |
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
インタフェース java.util.List から継承されたメソッド |
containsAll, hashCode, isEmpty, iterator, listIterator, removeAll, retainAll, subList |
コンストラクタの詳細 |
public SIPObjectList(java.lang.String lname)
- String to setpublic SIPObjectList(java.lang.String lname, java.lang.Class cname)
- String to setcname
- Class to setpublic SIPObjectList(java.lang.String lname, java.lang.String cname)
- String to setcname
- String to setpublic SIPObjectList()
メソッドの詳細 |
public void add(SIPObject obj)
- SIPObject to setpublic void addFirst(SIPObject obj)
- SIPObject to setpublic java.lang.Object clone()
内の clone
public void mergeObjects(GenericObjectList mergeList)
内の mergeObjects
- is the list of Generic objects that we want to do
an object by object merge with. Note that no new objects are
added to this list.public void concatenate(SIPObjectList otherList)
- SIPObjectList to setpublic void concatenate(SIPObjectList otherList, boolean topFlag)
- SIPObjectList to settopFlag
- boolean to setpublic GenericObject first()
public java.lang.Class getMyClass()
内の getMyClass
public GenericObject next()
public GenericObject next(java.util.ListIterator li)
- ListIterator to set
public java.lang.Object removeFirst()
内の removeFirst
public java.lang.Object removeLast()
内の removeLast
public java.lang.String debugDump(int indent)
内の debugDump
- int to set
public void setMyClass(java.lang.Class cl)
内の setMyClass
- Class to setpublic void replace(java.lang.String objectText, GenericObject replacementObject, boolean matchSubstring) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
内の replace
- is the canonical string representation of
the object that we want to replace.replacementObject
- is the object that we want to replace it
with (must be a subclass of GenericObject or GenericObjectList).matchSubstring
- a boolean which tells if we should match
a substring of the target object
A replacement will occur if a portion of the structure is found
with matching encoded text as objectText and with the same class
as replacement.
(i.e. if matchSubstring is true an object is a candidate for
replacement if objectText is a substring of
candidate.encode() && candidate.class.equals(replacement.class)
otherwise the match test is an equality test.)
- on null args or if
replacementObject does not derive from GenericObject or
GenericObjectListpublic void replace(java.lang.String objectText, GenericObjectList replacementObject, boolean matchSubstring) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
内の replace
- is the canonical string representation of
the object that we want to replace.replacementObject
- is the object that we want to replace it
with (must be a subclass of GenericObject or GenericObjectList).matchSubstring
- a boolean which tells if we should match
a substring of the target object
A replacement will occur if a portion of the structure is found
with matching encoded text as objectText and with the same class
as replacement.
(i.e. if matchSubstring is true an object is a candidate for
replacement if objectText is a substring of
candidate.encode() && candidate.class.equals(replacement.class)
otherwise the match test is an equality test.)
- on null args or if
replacementObject does not derive from GenericObject or
前のクラス 次のクラス | フレームあり フレームなし | |||||||||
概要: 入れ子 | フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド | 詳細: フィールド | コンストラクタ | メソッド |