gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.MessageProcessor の使用

MessageProcessor を使用しているパッケージ

gov.nist.javax.sip.stack での MessageProcessor の使用

gov.nist.javax.sip.stack での MessageProcessor のサブクラス
 class TCPMessageProcessor
          Sit in a loop waiting for incoming tcp connections and start a new thread to handle each new connection.
 class UDPMessageProcessor
          Sit in a loop and handle incoming udp datagram messages.

MessageProcessor を返す gov.nist.javax.sip.stack のメソッド
 MessageProcessor SIPMessageStack.createMessageProcessor(int port, java.lang.String transport)
          Creates the equivalent of a JAIN listening point and attaches to the stack.
 MessageProcessor SIPTransaction.getMessageProcessor()
 MessageProcessor MessageChannel.getMessageProcessor()
          Get the message processor.
 MessageProcessor SIPMessageStack.getMessageProcessor(java.lang.String transport)
          Get a message processor for the given transport.
 MessageProcessor[] SIPMessageStack.getMessageProcessors()
          Gets an array of running MessageProcessors on this SIPStack.

MessageProcessor 型のパラメータを持つ gov.nist.javax.sip.stack のメソッド
 void SIPMessageStack.addMessageProcessor(MessageProcessor newMessageProcessor)
          Adds a new MessageProcessor to the list of running processors for this SIPStack and starts it.
 void SIPMessageStack.removeMessageProcessor(MessageProcessor oldMessageProcessor)
          Removes a MessageProcessor from this SIPStack.