gov.nist.core.Match の使用

Match を使用しているパッケージ

gov.nist.core での Match の使用

Match を返す gov.nist.core のメソッド
 Match GenericObject.getMatcher()
          Return the match expression.

Match 型のパラメータを持つ gov.nist.core のメソッド
 void GenericObjectList.replace(Match regexp, GenericObject replacementObject)
          Do a find and replace of objects in this list.
 void GenericObject.replace(Match regexp, GenericObject replacement)
          Do a find and replace of objects based on regular expression matching of fields.
 void GenericObjectList.replace(Match regexp, GenericObjectList replacementObject)
          Do a find and replace of objects in this list.
 void GenericObject.replace(Match regexp, GenericObjectList replacement)
          Do a recursive find and replace of objects pointed to by this object based on regular expression pattern matching.
 void GenericObject.setMatcher(Match matchExpression)
          Set the pattern matcher.

gov.nist.javax.sdp.fields での Match の使用

Match 型のパラメータを持つ gov.nist.javax.sdp.fields のメソッド
 void SDPObject.replace(Match regexp, GenericObject replacement)
          Do a find and replace of objects based on regular expression matching of fields.
 void SDPObject.replace(Match regexp, GenericObjectList replacement)
          Do a recursive find and replace of objects pointed to by this object based on regular expression pattern matching.

gov.nist.javax.sip.address での Match の使用

Match 型のパラメータを持つ gov.nist.javax.sip.address のメソッド
 void NetObject.replace(Match regexp, GenericObject replacement)
          Do a find and replace of objects based on regular expression matching of fields.
 void NetObject.replace(Match regexp, GenericObjectList replacement)
          Do a recursive find and replace of objects pointed to by this object based on regular expression pattern matching.

gov.nist.javax.sip.header での Match の使用

Match 型のパラメータを持つ gov.nist.javax.sip.header のメソッド
 void SIPObject.replace(Match regexp, GenericObject replacement)
          Do a find and replace of objects based on regular expression matching of fields.
 void SIPObject.replace(Match regexp, GenericObjectList replacement)
          Do a recursive find and replace of objects pointed to by this object based on regular expression pattern matching.